Upcoming Show: Sunday, April 19, 2020, Winchester Street Festival (Winchester, VA)
Details of Winchester Street Festival show forthcoming
PAST SHOWS from the archives for your amusement
Thursday, October 17, 2019, at The Pinch, 3548 14th St., NW, DC 20010
Music starts 7:30 pm; $10 cover; with The Clown Foundation, and the Periwinkles
Let's all get together and celebrate the 242 anniversary of the surrender of John Burgoyne at Saratoga, arguably, the most significant turning point in the American Revolution.
I know you’ve all been on tenterhooks in breathless anticipation of our next show. . . well your excruciating wait is over, assuming your fondness for the band extends to Monday nights. For those of you were at our last Pinch show, you’ll remember we had the packed audience moshing, and generally going wild, to our blazing cowpunk ditties. Unfortunately, that audience consisted almost entirely of Trivial Difference’s (the thrash metal headliner’s) undulating sea of youthful followers. I’m afraid we can’t depend on that this time around because the headliner, Fox Face, hails from a distant metropolis in the frozen north, so we’ll have to supply the mob of crazed local fans ourselves. Luckily, I know that most of you are, indeed, crazed, or at least capable of becoming crazed should the occasion arise. But, of course, we also welcome those of you who are less demonstrative in your enthusiasms, or who are of a more reflective bent, perhaps even a bit pensive in contemplating the social value of attending such a fraught performance. Details remain hazy at this time, but we’ll update you in real time as information trickles in.
Gulley’s inaugural show at The Pinch is Friday, March 1. $10 cover. Bands start 8pm. Here’s the probable band order: 1. Raysun (acoustic I think), 2. Pooyan Kimiyaee (acoustic), 3. Heather Grace Evans (acoustic), 4. Somniatis (solo ambient), 3. Gulley 4. Trivial Difference (thrash metal). Note that the bands are in the basement, so if you can’t abide them (or us), you can retreat to the ground floor to drink quietly in the comfy bar (booths, even), where you can barely hear all the caterwauling.
Since we suspect the metal band is playing right after us, so as not to unduly enrage the occasionally unruly lads who typically compose the audiences for such fare, we’ll be dusting off our rockiest tunes and playing them with the verve one would usually associate with hulking youths half our age.